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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (January 20)

Entranced by the pleasantness and beauty of the heart we all remain in this secure place.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


The Lake!

The illuminating light was so vast that it beckoned the soul to dip in the sheer pleasure of being in this light of love. Such is the light flooding the place, that it seems greater than the lightness of a thousand suns shining in union. Within each one of us is the lake in the heart, reflecting the Divine presence and showing us the truth of this life. We must weigh our actions with utmost care, and keep our thoughts and words simple but heavy with honesty and compassion for all. One does this touched by the healing action, to discover the future, to win a home in the heart among the happy spiritual parts of the self. Entranced by the pleasantness and beauty of the heart we all remain in this secure place. Healing hugs of a healed heart. Love from the healing heart.

Staying in the light:
Twinkling in the middle of the night, the moonlight illuminates the mind to new consciousness.