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Astrology 2023: Message of the Day (October 2)

Allow compassion to come to full bloom – seeing the lotus of the heart open, with lightness, love and peace.


The Retreat Begins!

Meditations on the Self.

Wisdom is the final frontier as it comes from healing the self of all our own suffering and learning the profound lessons that healing of the suffering has to teach. Whatever we hold in the heart, the sense of self is present together with the Master and co-healers. Allow compassion to come to full bloom – seeing the lotus of the heart open, with lightness, love and peace. Stay in this fragrant garden of the heart. Our dignity as human beings is fulfilled by recalling divine sources, and connecting to eternal life (as a soul) and intimacy with the Divine. Our path towards healing is a gradual one that is only possible by the Grace of the Master. Healing hugs of recollection. Love from the source of creation.


108 Spinal Chakras

  1. “I can’t change the way I feel.”
  2. “I heal all the things in my life.”
  3. “Hard work with healing makes me enjoy life, and I feel happy.”

As we awaken to the reality of our soul consciousness, the findings of the science fraternity bringing us closer to the body and brain conjoining with the healing to bulletproof our selves and our life from all future negative attacks. Just connect to your life in the now and live this day well.

For more Messages of the Day, visit