1. Aries
“Be friendly to create a very strong spiritual journey which will be full of healing consciousness
and financial success. You are committing to a good work program which you will have to
uphold in the future. Taking your romance and love to it’s conclusive end, will bring more
happiness to the family and your life.”
2. Taurus
“Tell yourself that the extra efforts are for the benefit of others. Even though your mental
health is good, still a little stress is seen as you are truly supportive of others. Be patient when it
comes to implementation of your life experiences with your family and your heart desires
coming in the way of harmony. Stay away from controversy and conjecture.”
3. Gemini
“Financially there will be plenty of opportunities to come to a new level of satisfaction. You will
be in a space of new clarity and commitment to create a new way of authorising others to
complete tasks so that there is all round fulfilment, where achievements are a joint effort.”
4. Cancer
“This is the time that people will have to pay a price and it will be a learning curve for all. The
time is right to capitalise in whichever way you can to move ahead of the others. Persuade your
inner self to grow the spiritual quotient by yoga and meditation to remain free of stress.”
5. Leo
“Some patterns of wisdom, strength, compassion and healing will make you say the right things
to the right people. Financially there will be plenty of opportunities to convert and you will be
successful in the transition. Contained in the other hand is a winning hand of strength, but you
could end up playing from the wrong side.”
6. Virgo
“Just be careful of your short temper to stay out of harms way. You are very strongly supportive
of someone who could end up letting you down. Just be patient for the results of your hard
work at the office as at the end of the day you will be happy with the results and financial
7. Libra
“Connecting to a new level of work will keep you very busy and involved with your team at
work. Get ready in the evening for a thrilling ride, as even the prospect of being in the company
of new people is exciting today. Gather your brood of friends along which will add colour to the
event. Just be patient with yourself.”
8. Scorpio
“Change your mind set and progress ahead with new structures and technology to make a
seeable difference, and know that you are a runner without others’ devious plan stopping you.
Relax at the end of the day knowing that you have achieved well. Your aura expands to
interesting and inviting new mind-space actions that promote your success.”
9. Sagittarius
“You are completely relaxed and just viewing life as it moves on. Family celebrations will keep
you busy at the end of the day. You may have a lot to say today but in isolation one can speak
only to the self. This will create fresh possibilities and artists may create a masterpiece. Expand
your perspective, take it as a key to the future, try to maintain harmony with yourself.”
10. Capricorn
“People around you are working hard and no one wants to be tormented with complaints. You
may not be ready to trust some people but all decisions postponed today will be the best.
People you trust are very supportive of your plans and will bring in new technology and
financial decisions for betterment and lead your way to promoting growth for the company.”
11. Aquarius
“Stay away from controversy with others who have become more bossy. Change the course of
your destiny unfolding and stay in contact with your spiritual wisdom unfolding blessings for
you. The early part of the day will give you a great opportunity to progress forward with the
future projects and prosperity will be incoming.”
12. Pisces
“Your innovative and brilliant interface for the future brings in financial rewards that lead to
savings for the company and promotion for you. Just be patient with your subordinates. There
is a strong connection with your family supporting you and your loving spouse having issues at
home. Conflict must be avoided at any cost.”