New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Rajasthan’s Sikar district on Thursday was preceded by a public sparring between the Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot and Prime Minister’s office on social media.
Rajasthan Chief Minister accused the Prime Minister’s office of omitting his 3-minute speech from the Prime Minister’s program, where a slew of developmental projects including inauguration of 12 medical colleges were to be launched.
Taking to Twitter, the Chief Minister said that he wouldn’t be present at PM’s program as his 3-minute address was removed. He however added that he is extending hearty welcome to Prime Minister via a tweet.
माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी,
आज आप राजस्थान पधार रहे हैं। आपके कार्यालय PMO ने मेरा पूर्व निर्धारित 3 मिनट का संबोधन कार्यक्रम से हटा दिया है इसलिए मैं आपका भाषण के माध्यम से स्वागत नहीं कर सकूंगा अतः मैं इस ट्वीट के माध्यम से आपका राजस्थान में तहेदिल से स्वागत करता…— Ashok Gehlot (@ashokgehlot51) July 27, 2023
“Your PMO has removed my pre-scheduled 3-minute address from the program, so I will not be able to welcome you through speech, so I heartily welcome you through tweet,” CM Gehlot said.
PMO fact-checks Gehlot’s claims
Replying to Rajasthan CM’s claims, the Prime Minister Office (PMO) countered the claims with a sharp retort that a warm invitation was extended to your office but the same was denied by former’s office.
“You have been duly invited and your speech was also slotted. But, your office said you will not be able to join,” PMO tweeted.
Shri @ashokgehlot51 Ji,
In accordance with protocol, you have been duly invited and your speech was also slotted. But, your office said you will not be able to join.
During PM @narendramodi’s previous visits as well you have always been invited and you have also graced those…
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) July 27, 2023
PMO said that the protocol was diligently followed and Rajasthan CM was invited at Sikar program as well, much like past instances.
It also appealed to the Chief Minister to mark his gracious presence at the event as your name is very much there.
What PM Modi said at Sikar event on Gehlot’s absence
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing the public gathering, touched upon the issue of Gehlot’s absence, in the backdrop of CM’s office & PMO spat on Twitter.
“Ashok Gehlot was supposed to attend the programme but could not due to ill health. I pray for his speedy recovery,” PM Modi said addressing the farmer’s event in Sikar.