New Delhi: Major controversy took part on Monday when pictures of two men offering namaz at Mathura temple surfaced on social media. These two were later identified as Faizal Khan and Mohammad Chand. FIR was lodged against 4 people including these 2 accused and their 2 accomplices who clicked their pictures while they offered namaz at temple.
The case got a new twist as Faizal Khan has been found to be associated with anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) protest in Shaheen Bagh and other places earlier this year.
Faizal Khan, when quizzed by media persons, claimed that he had no malicious intentions behind the act and it should be seen in light of communal harmony. He claimed that he offered namaz in the temple because of time constraint but these revelations clearly show his strong bias towards other religion. Faizal was actively involved in spreading fake narrative on the Citizenship amendment law.
Faizal Khan is the founder of Khudai Khidmatgar, a Delhi-based organisation. He and his organisation took part in several Anti-CAA protests around the country, warning people about the repercussions of the law, despite government assurance that this law had nothing to do with the citizenship of Muslims and it was merely for granting refuge to minorities facing religious persecution in neighbouring nations.