New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath enjoys a vast fan following across the country and beyond. His supporters often make headlines for their unique ways of showering praise and admiration on the beloved political leader.
While previously some had got his tattoos on their bodies after BJP’s big win in the state legislative polls, this once a supporter has taken the craze to a whole new level. An individual has got CM Yogi’s temple built in Ayodhya, wherein an idol of the latter has been installed and is worshipped like a god.
The temple has been built in the ‘Maurya ka Purva‘ near Bharatkund on the Ambedkar Nagar highway. The individual has been identified as a native resident of the village, Prabhakar Maurya, who constructed the temple after being influenced by the works of Yogi Adityanath.
Maurya reportedly works as a bhajan singer and has composed and sung several songs in support of Yogi Adityanath.
Prabhakar got the temple constructed at a cost of nearly Rs 8 lakh, while the idol installed in the temple has been prepared on special order by artisans of Rajasthan. Maurya believes that Yogi is an incarnation of Lord Rama and Krishna, and is no less than a god.
Maurya told Hindi daily Bhaskar that he vowed to construct the temple and install an idol of Yogi in order to worship him daily in 2015. “In 2016, I sang a hymn in support of the construction of Lord Rama temple in Ayodhya, after which the Supreme Court gave its historical verdict in favour of Ram Janmbhoomi. Now, the grand Rama temple is being constructed in Ayodhya under the guidance of Yogi Adityanath”, he said.
“Impressed by the fulfilment of the resolution and the works of the Chief Minister, I have got this temple constructed”, he added.