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Astrology 2021: Message of the Day (September 8)

Not all of us have the key to open the gateway to be with the golden light opportunity.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


The war below!

Over many years of teaching and contemplation, and clarifying questions, I know that all happenings are a work of the world below, and a source of sacred inspiration for all the people here and there. Experiences are explained and shared for a complete transmission of thoughts, requests and affirmations. In this world here, we are constantly changing, trying, healing and using methods of manipulation to get our way. The meaning of our life down here is one of revelation and discovery. Not all of us have the key to open the gateway to be with the golden light opportunity. One feels profoundly privileged when one realises the depth of wisdom that is transmitted by silent thought to us and we think it is our idea. Healing hugs of happiness and joy. Love from the transmitter incharge.


The action I can take.

Write an affirmation on white paper with red ink for your heart desires, then place in an empty glass bottle, cover with salt or sugar (can also mix half and half)

After twenty one days remove sheet and burn.

The salt and sugar can be reused for healing.

This healing method empowers quick decision making processes.