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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (February 2)

Trust the light, encounter all life events with heartfelt compassion and fierce love full of strength and courage. Healing hugs of tender love.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


The red light always inspires us to listen, as a series of events are happening simultaneously in our life but when we assimilate and report the events we have to describe them one at a time. The sensation of the red light is to inspire us to be bonded with the light, almost like an intelligence that we can communicate with. As it covers the entire vista of our life before us, we do end up feeling engulfed and enveloped by this red embrace. We are always looking forward to seeing, hearing, listening and spending time with the light of purpose and strength. We just have to learn to relax, embrace the light without fear, anger, hate, greed and lust. Trust the light, encounter all life events with heartfelt compassion and fierce love full of strength and courage. Healing hugs of tender love. Love from the Heart of the Light.

The shining and sparkling red light is always spreading justice and grace.
Chakra: Root
Colour: Red.
Concept: we need to isolate all the seeds of misfortune and bring our illuminated heart to drink from the cup of plenty.