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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (March 31)

Each of us, whoever we are, can in the right circumstances and with the right training realise our true spiritual potential and remain in the endless light, eternally pure.

Message of the Day – By Renooji 
Healing opportunity ! 
As the gold and green twelve petals of the heart chakra lotus open, know that the heart sings in union with the expanding light of the spiritual realms. Connect today to the heart song, “I am beautiful, I am confident, I am courageous.” Sing it, as you see the transmission of the green and golden light, flowing to every heart of every being on Planet Earth. Enlightenment as I have said before, is real and nesting in the heart of every being. Each of us, whoever we are, can in the right circumstances and with the right training realise our true spiritual potential and remain in the endless light, eternally pure. Healing hugs of Divine Intervention. Love from the Eternal Realms. 
Continue to surrender your false ego and remain in humility, spreading the light from the heart.