The Retreat Begins!
Meditations on the Self.
As the self begins to unravel the truth of life, that thought itself becomes a very spiritual light. This then transforms us, and we begin to love each other and encourage each other to stay connected to the truth. As we start to feel appreciation for the truth, we begin to intentionally focus on our life experiences and emotions. As we heal more, surrounding ourselves with the golden light, we are enabled to continue our journey forward with the light of truth. Trusting that in this moment of healing, we can open up to the heart’s desires and send out the golden light, receive it back multiplied manifold. So often, our thoughts and emotions are out of balance because we are running away from them. Trying to bury them deep in the closets of our minds and hearts. Remember, when the healing light fills these closets, then the truth of our life choices bursts open. Today let’s set the intention that we are going to heal sufficiently to open ourselves to the truth and be positive so that we can live harmoniously with our emotions and thoughts and make our lives better and better. Touching each other with the unconditional love of happiness and true heart choices in the now. Healing hugs of transforming twinkling lights. Love from the ocean of liberating flames.
As we awaken to the reality of our soul consciousness, the findings of the science fraternity bring us closer to the body and brain, conjoining with the healing to bulletproof ourselves and our lives from all future negative attacks. Just connect to your life in the now and live this day well.
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