Message of the Day – By Renooji (19.03.2020)
Knowing all earthly things as transient and changeable, sense enjoyment should come
from the association with healing and love. Through greater practice of remembrance,
meditation, healing, and association with the light, a healer lives.
When one lives in the ocean of material nature, and, worldly existence, the healing work
and repetition of the practice brings us to the centre of undivided love of God . Today a
beautiful golden lotus at your crown chakra is pouring out rivulets of endless colours,
and bathing you with a new spiritual bliss. Take this moment to connect to the presence
of The KQ Force and rejoice as it flows through you at great speed. Thank this moment
of healing and know that your heart desires are also fulfilled. Take a few moments to
send this light to others, especially your home, work and family. Healing hugs of the
purple light. Love from the river of gold.
“ I connect to my highest potential and purpose and move ahead to make my world feel
the love of life and transforming into a greater universal force, heal all.”