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Daily Astrology: Your zodiac and forecast (August 2)

Family will be financially supportive and make sure that everyone has a great opportunity to work together.

Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac – By Renooji

Aura Guidance for 02.08.2021 (all 12 signs)

1. Aries

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“Financially there is much that you need to pay attention towards. Be careful when you interact with someone who is not supportive. You are easily drawn into the affairs of others and then you could end up being blamed for something that is not your fault. Be prepared for a fight at home.”


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“Considering that you are going through a lot more work and moving forward with the future in the light of grace covering you with success. Jumping to conclusions about a few things will make you very unhappy at the end of the day. You connect with people by having fun and spending quality time with them today.”

3. Gemini

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“Doing things differently means that you have to step out of your comfort zone. You will discover something new about your work and this will help to enhance your ability and performance. As you discover new things, you feel secure and the added information empowers you to take decisive decisions about your work.”

4. Cancer

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“You will be happier in the later part of the day, as your work will be appreciated and executed well in the form of revenue generation. Your mind is very sharp and your reasoning power is flowing through the way things are opening up for your life goals to be actualised.”

5. Leo

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“Your thinking may be too conservative in your future planning but eventually you will win in all points. Don’t let your positive thoughts and actions remain hidden in the dark as people need to recognise your inputs. You will be involved in a meeting with your parents and a property plan that has the potential to be beneficial to your family.”

6. Virgo

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“Changing patterns at home will need keenness and a willingness to take on new responsibilities, so that there is resolution and progress. Relax at the end of the day to get rid of your stress. An aspirational attitude and a determined spirit will be your co-workers that enable you to complete a project beyond expectations.”

7. Libra

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“Waxing and waning mood swings may end up frightening you and you may stay away from work. Wealth is a reality that you need, remember that you have to fend for yourself in this process called life. There could be a dishonest senior whose work may give your sleepless night.”

8. Scorpio

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“Align yourself with intelligence and wisdom, so that deviations from the path of knowledge do not occur and detail your progress. Intentions made in good faith may backfire as you are floating in a haze of grey light. Explore your creative abilities – for some of you it could be singing and art and for others it could be logic and writing.”

9. Sagittarius

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“You will be able to increase your level of creativity to achieve success in all your life goals. Increase in your level of skill development puts you in the big league. Whether from outside forces or your own efforts, you will be able to create a refreshing change in your surroundings and atmosphere.”

10. Capricorn

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“Just stay away from an exaggeration of blame as you get into a conflict situation at work. Be calm as the storm passes. Today you will learn an important lesson that will keep you emotionally fit to progress and help to renunciate blame. Just when you think you have done well, you will be shown the mirror of incomplete work.”

11. Aquarius

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“Listen to what others say carefully as there will be a hidden message for you there. Initiate ways for moving forward and changing the way you do things. Self-improvement is seen in your aura, so renew your faith in yourself and life. People will also respond to your suggestions positively.”

12. Pisces

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“Creative work environment for the now is what keeps you upbeat. Just feel refreshed as everything at the end of the day is opening up in your favour. Creating a new destiny opportunity is coming your way today. Family will be financially supportive and make sure that everyone has a great opportunity to work together.”