Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut appeared before the Mumbai Police on Thursday to record her statement in association with an FIR launched against her for a post that allegedly linked farmers’ protest to a separatist group. Kangana was asked to appear on Wednesday, however, he failed. Reportedly, the actress reached the Khar Police Station in Mumbai today. Predicting that a protest can be organised by the Sikh community against the actress, a team of CRPF has been deployed as a precaution.
An FIR was launched against her at Khar Police Station in November following a complaint by a Sikh organisation. Besides, earlier in December, the police issued a notice to her for questioning. Meanwhile, her counsel informed the Bombay High Court that she would appear before the police on December 22. Following this, her lawyer sought another date, and Kangana appeared on Thursday.
On the other hand, the city police told the Bombay High Court that they will not apprehend Kangana before January 22, 2022. The statement by the police came after the High Court stated that the issue involved the broader perspect of Kangana’s fundamental right to free speech and that the court will have to grand her some as-interim relief.
Besides, Kangana approached the High Court earlier this month so that the FIR registered against her is cancelled. Kangana has been booked under Section 295-A of the Indian Penal Code which includes charges of deliberately hurting the community’s religious sentiments.