New Delhi: Yogi Adityanath government launched a special initiative named ‘Kisan Kalyan Mission’ on Wednesday, aimed at doubling the income of farmers in state. The 3-week long campaign for welfare of farmers will be organised in every development block of all 75 districts.
UP CM Yogi Adityanth launched Kisan Kalyan mission from Sarojini Nagar development block of Lucknow.
While launching the initiative, CM Yogi reiterated the government’s resolve to double income of farmers by 2022.
Twitting a video of the inauguration of Kisan Kalyan Mission, Yogi Adityanath said, “as promised by his government, the development schemes for farmers will be rolled out in 825 localities.”
CM Yogi stated, “Lakhs of farmers committed suicide between 2004 and 2014 because no one was there to take care of them. But after our government came into power, now the farmers using new farm technologies are on the path to success.”
‘किसान कल्याण के लिए संकल्पित उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार’: किसानों की आय को दोगुना करने के संकल्प की सिद्धि हेतु प्रदेश के 825 विकास खण्डों में “किसान कल्याण मिशन” का शुभारंभ…
— Yogi Adityanath (@myogiadityanath) January 6, 2021
“Atmahatya se Aamdani ( from suicide to income)’, has been the motto of the Uttar Pradesh government for the farmers, which is being well manifested by the scores of schemes,” he said.
किसानों को शासन की योजनाओं से परिचित कराने के लिए प्रदेश के सभी विकास खंडों में किसान कल्याण मिशन शुरू किया जा रहा है। यह एक वृहद कृषि मेला लगाने का कार्यक्रम है। अन्नदाता किसानों के जीवन में खुशहाली लाने के लिए इस तरह के कार्यक्रम किए जा रहे हैं: #UPCM श्री @myogiadityanath जी
— CM Office, GoUP (@CMOfficeUP) January 6, 2021
‘Waived Rs 36,000 crore farm loans, 86 lakh farmers benefitted’
The Chief Minister also wrote on the microblogging site that many opposition leaders have been trying to mislead the farmers.
The Chief Minister further pointed out, “Had the growth in agri-sector taken place in the 70 years, the Modi government would not have required to take up the task of doubling the income of farmers in the last six years.”
Slamming previous govts for giving false hopes, CM Yogi said, “Farmers have now seen how the pro-farmers policies are implemented and reach to the ground. Earlier, there was a facade of politics only to garner votes rather than benefitting the farmers.”
“किसान उत्थान” अनेक लोगों को रास नहीं आ रहा है। वह तमाम प्रकार की गलतफहमियां पैदा करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं।
हमें, गुमराह करने वाले तत्वों से सावधान रह कर किसानों की आमदनी को वर्ष 2022 तक हर हाल में दोगुना करते हुए “एक भारत-श्रेष्ठ भारत” के लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करना है।
जय हिंद!
— Yogi Adityanath (@myogiadityanath) January 6, 2021
“Remember, in 2017, as soon as our government was formed, the first cabinet decision was taken to waive off farm loans to the tune of Rs 36,000 crores benefitting about 86 lakh farmers,” said Yogi Adityanath.
‘Happy farmers will lead to happy country’
The CM said, “When our farmers will be happy, the country will be happy. The goal is to make farmers aware of the government’s plans related to farming, animal husbandry, and agriculture. In this sequence, Farmers Welfare Centers are being run by our government to provide all facilities to farmers at one place only.”
Attacking the opposition, Yogi Adityanath stated, “When the country is making rapid progress, many people do not like it. This is the first time when vaccination programmes are being run for diseases like brucellosis of the cattle.”
“As many as 2,35,00,000 farmers of our state are getting benefit from PM Krishi Samman Yojana even as many states do not have such a big population.”
UP govt felicitates 100 ‘progressive farmers’
Under the ‘Kisan Kalyan Mission’, various programmes have been organised for the well-being of the farmers such as exhibitions of agriculture and the associate sectors, including the products of livelihood missions and MSME sector units will be organised. Meetings on a regular basis will be organised for the farmers in which scientists, progressive farmers, and the workers associated with the Agriculture Department will be explaining scientific farming. They will also provide information about the schemes of the government. Also, farmers will be benefitted from various schemes of the agriculture department.
Under this programme, UP government also felicitated 100 ‘progressive farmers’ from all 75 districts of the state. The Agriculture Department selected these farmers as role models for local farmers from every district who will inspire the local farmers by sharing their success stories. Their databases will also be prepared by the government.