New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath spoke to the family of the Hathras gang-rape victim through a video link on Wednesday. The chief minister assured the family that the most stringent action will be taken against the accused and all possible help will be provided to them.
The chief minister has set up a three-member special investigation team (SIT) to probe the case The SIT has been asked to submit its report within seven days. He also ordered a fast-track court for the trial.
Uttar Pradesh’s government has promised to provide a financial aide of Rs 25 lakh, a government job as a school teacher, a house under the government scheme, and matter in fast track court to the family of the Hathras gang-rape victim.
Congress workers and members of the Valmiki community have blocked the roads and the main market of Hathras amid the huge deployment of the police force. The community has announced a ‘no sanitation’ strike in the city, while local reports said that some protesters pelted stones and tried to set a motorcycle on fire, forcing the police to lathi-charge.