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Astrology 2020: Message of the Day (April 6)

When a healer is truly detached, then flows the best unconditional healing. Believe in your spiritual-connection, believe and do the healing.

Message of the Day – By Renooji (06.04.2020)

When “OM” is uttered , it is followed by a brief pause of silence. It refers to that
transcendental state beyond waking, dream and deep sleep. Thus, along with mentally
chanting “OM” there is a constant affirmation and constant reflection upon one’s higher

Astrology, astro, zodiac sign

In this reflective process we are constantly detaching ourself from the body, the
senses, mind, intellect, ego and the vast realm of the unconscious. When a healer is
truly detached, then flows the best unconditional healing. Believe in your spiritual
connection, believe and do the healing. One must never accept outside verdicts , they
are nothing any more, we can undo them, we can rise above them and removing all
doubt continue flowing with the light. Healing hugs of a pure connection. Love from the
frontiers of courage.

Heal today

Third eye chakra
( place your right hand on your forehead and your left hand at the back of your head)

Chant three times.

“I support my evolving and integrated thought with my intellect guiding my actions. I
engage in the absolute pursuit of truth which refreshes me as this great fountain of
wisdom pours down on me.”