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Astrology 2020: Message of the Day (June 3)

Remain in this state of joyous bliss and remain in the light of grace. Healing hugs of deep acceptance.

Message of the Day – By Renooji



Meditate on an emotion.

As we all embark on our mission of life on a daily basis, we know that Divine love is not the selfish love of worldly minded people, to get something from another. Taking the Divine energy into our heart, we rejoice with happiness, beyond all that words can express. Our expression of happiness is not a temporary outburst of some vague emotion, it is in fact a perfect self surrender without reservation or a secret desire for self gratification. Remain in this state of joyous bliss and remain in the light of grace. Healing hugs of deep acceptance. Love from the heart of happiness.

Remind yourself.

“I am in the centre of this vortex of light that spins around me the world of happiness and prosperity “.