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Astrology 2021: Message of the Day (April 21)

Know that the light is, will be and has always been in our heart. Connect and heal on.

Message of the Day – By Renooji



“Allowing the golden, green and red light to anoint every pore and cell of all my bodies, I rejoice in the moment of imminent Grace, spreading the joy to one and all. Connected, contained, conceptualised, cared and shared, the light dances with me in my heart.”

People in this and other worlds are mystical beings and their hearts have a special resonance of love that we can attract into our life and our body by just being conscious about how much happiness we give them as we receive. Opening the portals of receptivity begins when we have gratitude in our heart and a willingness to help share the light forward. Today on this mystical and powerful day of exchanging energies, let us begin to manifest consciousness and willingness to overcome our shyness and ask for the light. Know that the light is, will be and has always been in our heart. Connect and heal on. Healing hugs of the greenish gold light. Love from the reservoir of red.