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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (June 19)

Continue to be patient with your family and support the weaker members of your family.

Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac – By Renooji

Aura Guidance for 19.06.2020 (all 12 signs)

1. Aries

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“You could end up being blamed for something that could change the circumstances surrounding you. Always refrain from meddling in other people’s thoughts or ideas or responsibilities. Gather courage today and address the problem with the boss or parent. Happiness awaits you at the end of today.”

2. Taurus

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“Create a family celebration opportunity and know that the blessings of the elders are with you. Events occurring now are giving you a more unobstructed view of what you want from yourself and what is the generational capacity of others. Continue to be patient with your family and support the weaker members of your family.”

3. Gemini

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“Take decisions and leave them and move forward and know that there will be success at the end of the day. Just be yourself. Pretentious and telling lies are something that have the power to make or break a deal. Be careful of your style of approach, as there is a lot at stake. Be patient with your heart desires as you are working at a high speed and it is leading to stress.”

4. Cancer

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“Actually listening to your heart and working with your highest potential is truly appreciated by your family. You are going through your life memories today with pleasure but are also aware of all the missed opportunities, so take heart and embark on a new path and know that there is something that will inspire success in life experiences ahead.”

5. Leo.

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“Challenging people about finance will not go well. Balance your attitude and temper your tantrums and this will keep you out of harms way. Happily engage in the work at hand and worry about others less. You are in the lead and things need to be completed on time and being lax is your waterloo. Be patient with the people around you who are truly challenging intellectually.”

6. Virgo

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It is easy for you to justify your stance, but, there will be others who may judge your decisions. More evidence will be gathered and at the end of the day all is well for you. Justify only to yourself what you are planning to do and what you have done, this will make you completely relaxed and pursuing happiness and prosperity.”

7. Libra

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“People who matter are completely relaxed with you being in charge and this increases your confidence. Work hard to wrap up important business deals well in time, so that there is plenty of time for family. Surprise rewards at work inspire you to put in more than your best. Be sure that the people you introduce to your family are not your spiritual friends, as they will not understand.”

8. Scorpio

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“It is not necessary to make simple things complicated. There will be a complication within your mind, but you need to be silent and meditate before you address the issue with senior people. Plunging into new areas of work will be inspirational and rewarding. Stay balanced with all the people who love you unconditionally.”

9. Sagittarius

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“Even the most tedious or time consuming tasks at home can be rewarding. Fame is fleeting and you may feel that someone else is stealing your spotlight by their charm. You will be amply rewarded and there will be no untoward interaction that has the capacity to spoil your mood or destiny.”

10. Capricorn

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“Be patient, give less and earn more respect. Refrain from spending money on things you do not need. A wander lust in you could take you far away from your place of comfort. You are going through a journey of internalisation that is leaving you a little confused.”

11. Aquarius.

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“Be intent on achieving your ambitions to get through the day without a mishap. You could be forced into a situation to part with more money than you had initially planned. It is best to be slow in your decision making today. Continue to extend help to family as you are willingly being helped by people outside of your network.”

12. Pisces

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“You will find plenty of excitement in your own group of friends, old is gold. The best thing you can do today is break free from the way you have done things and reinvent your style. Move towards a whole new mindset and challenge your own competence.”