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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (June 24)

There is someone who is fully supportive of your plans and financially smoothens the path of the way ahead.

Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac – By Renooji

Aura Guidance for 24.06.2021 (all 12 signs)

1. Aries

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“If you work on your personal desires, you will be able to accomplish that which even you think you cannot do. Relax and enjoy the day. If you let others over power you, and let them take the lead, and prominence, then you will be succumbing to confusion, indulging in stubbornness and then leave home even though mentally not ready.”


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“Continue to take control of your emotions and send out signals that you are a willing worker who is willing to put in that extra effort. There are chances of a short travel. Just flow with the energies of wisdom unfolding. This is one of the most sensitive days this month.”

3. Gemini

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“Sudden financial gains or even investing in a new business could be something that you plan and execute today. Jesting with a friend could be misunderstood. You should attend to things without delay and heal all your friendship issues. Your signs of emotions confuse people and they may end up ignoring you which could make you sad.”

4. Cancer

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“Take your energy forward by being who you are, and your desires will be fulfilled by the Divine grace guiding you through your journey. Parent’s health could be a cause for concern and will need some attention. Circumstances are such that even if you want to do something special for someone, time will not allow it to happen.”

5. Leo

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“There will be an issue with your family but with a little bit of tact you will be able to navigate your way through all tricky emotional or financial situations. Continue to go ahead and contribute your time for a social or personal event, you will eventually enjoy it. Look out for your life goals to manifest happiness and joy.”

6. Virgo

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“You will benefit from all that you do or plan. Contained within your mind is a planning that will be executed well. Circumstances are such that your diplomatic skills are and will be required. This is also a good time to get organised and rebuild on your skill set to impress your seniors.”

7. Libra

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“Attention to detail and a creative process to manage the money will leave you satisfied with all that happens today. However bending too much to the will of others is not recommended. Circumstances are such that you will end up taking a mature decision for your future journey.”

8. Scorpio

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“There could be some judgement from family but you need to follow through with your designed plan. Control yourself and your family relationships will continue to inspire your good work. Creative solution for your future work is unfolding and you will be able to come up with a genius plan that will be fully appreciated.”

9. Sagittarius

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“Continue to put your best foot forward and know that a few people will turn around to support your plan. There is a sentimental meeting with an old friend that leaves you pleased. Allowing your relationships with others to mature into a strong bond leaves you satisfied. Take a look at your schedule tomorrow and then leave the extra work to others that will help you realign.”

10. Capricorn

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“Create a new group in the office to stay abreast of all that is happening. Consolidate your relationships with others who are willing to share your experiences with compassion and happiness. You may end up feeling lonely if you do not participate willingly.”

11. Aquarius

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“As soon as you are awakened, your head will be buzzing with ideas to implement in the office, so that work can expand according to plan without any fuss. There is someone who is fully supportive of your plans and financially smoothens the path of the way ahead. All your pursuits will require a huge amount of energy.”

12. Pisces

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“Play on others emotions to get your way and know that all is well in your world. Travel for work is indicated for many of you and this could lead up to a very promising professional start. Creating a new look after your heart, will bring pleasure to your inner heart as this is the image of yourself that you always wanted.”