Message of the Day – By Renooji
Be grateful for your:
By knowing a single person on Earth, you actually connect with and know everything on Earth. All changes are mere words and sounds in the healing realms. As you heal on, mere words link together to tell you a story, a story that is merely repeating itself over time immemorial. Actually as we connect to the light of love, healing all, we connect to that one story, one important news, that one single reality, in this world. The reality that just because of the different names and forms superimposed, we see things and know them differently. The result is the purification of the heart and leads us to know the whole story of life, the news that it is only the same story. “Lokah samasta, sukhino bhavantu”. Healing hugs beyond one’s capacity. Love from the depth of knowledge.
Do this act of kindness.
“Read out an interesting news to someone on your phone”.