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Astrology 2022: Message of the Day (February 10)

. Yet, many of us don’t believe this easily. We experience the burning sensations of loneliness, fear, panic, gloom, depression, helplessness and desolation, and continue the journey of life without seeking the truth.

Message of the Day – By Renooji


Red chillies!

The most important aspect of our life and that which is reported again and again; is that not only are we positive souls but also that we have the light hidden in our heart, burning up all the anarthas (the negative vibrations) and leaving us free to live our life in the golden light full of happiness and bliss. Yet, many of us don’t believe this easily. We experience the burning sensations of loneliness, fear, panic, gloom, depression, helplessness and desolation, and continue the journey of life without seeking the truth. We move along in the babble of sound, a constant communication and reminder that we are sinking. We become a part of the stream and we are slowly being submerged. We are in fear of being lost. Then the hands of the Guru, lift the disciple (all of us) out of the quagmire, delivering the light to shine through. Healing hugs of pure love. Love from the heart of the Guru.

Simply to fulfil your mind desires, one must move on in life.
Chakra-Root, Navel
Colour-Red, White.
Concept- See the inner world, the seeds of new consciousness that awaken the sense of new missions.