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Daily Horoscope: Your zodiac and forecast (November 20)

Concentrate on your work and financial future destiny as there is a deep inner confusion on what you will be able to achieve and what you will wait for someone else to do.

1. Aries

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“Creating a scene of happiness for the future journey to be full of the Divine grace will inspire you to be supportive towards accomplishing your heart desires. People at home will be willing to take your responsibilities while you gather confidence and move ahead with confidence that will be truly needed.”

2. Taurus

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“Mentally you have been specifically constructed for the financial and material planning that you are going through as there is a complete need for it. Of course life decisions are unpredictable, but that is the whole aspect of life that you fully enjoy. Complete the work and move forward to spending time with your family and friends.”

3. Gemini

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“An unexpected change in your mind will inspire you to consider new areas of exploring life, which brings you to a revolution in the world of work. You may be jolted out of your reverie today, but eventually there is a necessity to put things on the table for the next week to help find solutions.”

4. Cancer

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“You will be lucky in all issues at work and at home. Pressuring yourself to get work done fast will only bring anxiety and heartbreak. Be patient and remain in the family environment to progress. You can expand your mind to involve the financials to grow with the work. Pay more attention to what you are saying to people around you.”

5. Leo

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“Take a soft approach with people who are willing to help you, and move ahead with speed and success. You will be compelled to make a decision to achieve your goals and targets but you might end up repenting. A problem that arises today will change just as quickly. Relax and spend some down time with the stars and the dark night.”

6. Virgo

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“Confirming your abilities to take up a new challenge needs to be voluntarily addressed for maximum benefit and accomplishments. Creating a new life is changing you for the better. Finally there is an aspect of yourself that you dwell on often but do nothing positive about is your health and fitness regime.”

7. Libra

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“Concentrate on your work and financial future destiny as there is a deep inner confusion on what you will be able to achieve and what you will wait for someone else to do. Nesting in your heart is a desire full of expectation that you will be rewarded with financial upliftment for the great work that you are going to do. It is better to wait till you have completed it.”

8. Scorpio

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“Troubled by your inner thoughts in life and its varied hues, you might end up in a controversial conversation that does not bode well for you later on. Stay away from disbudding your financial decisions with someone, as confused you may end up making an investment that could go wrong.”

9. Sagittarius

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“Cooperation at every level of your life will give you further impetus to live life at every level. You will need to be certain of the motivation before you make a large investment in someone’s recommendation. A great day lies ahead full of cooking and cleaning. Be willing to compromise and make concessions.”

10. Capricorn

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“You will work late into the night, but, there is nothing better to do. There is an immense boredom ahead with your creativity and you are looking to inspire your inner mind to stabilise all the anguish that is unnecessarily coming up in your consciousness. Be patient with your family and your heart.”

11. Aquarius

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“Continuous patterns of progress in your life have not prepared you for any kind of disappointment or failure. Today is just one of those days where you will have to take a sock on your chin. Helplessness was a good way to move forward, but you are stronger than most others, so just continue to find solutions and move ahead.”

12. Pisces

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“There are many new ways coming up in your consciousness to help you make financial inroads that are very beneficial. Stay focussed on your eventual goal and just silently move ahead. People around you could try to destabilise your time and your focus. Your approach to your things has been very subject to standard prescriptions but now it is changing.”