Daily Aura Guidance for the Zodiac – By Renooji
Aura Guidance for 06.02.2020 (all 12 signs)
1. Aries
You have a taste for your success today and your life experiences with compassion for the work
that is coming out well in the now. With those you are associated with, you are willing to
communicate with attentive details. You are making more effort to be in peace, love, and
prosperity today.
2. Taurus
Involvement with the people leaves you little time with the immediate family. Togetherness
brings you a great release of stress. Take advantage of your natural skills. Move your talents
and create them into what you enjoy. You will be happily engaged in doing something for
someone else and it gives you immense satisfaction.
3. Gemini
There is satisfaction in a work well done but you are still expecting huge revenue change that
you are personally not able to make your synthesis with. Do not try to accomplish everything in
one day. You are integrating a personal change in your organisational behaviour, and it is very
well received.
4. Cancer
Continued patterns are forcing you to garner more attention than you bargained with your
family for. As the continued light approaches you, especially in your favour, you are happy.
Joyfully participating, you will help in organising a yearly event, which leaves you very satisfied.
5. Leo
Have some self control and share your thoughts with your family and your finances are
definitely on the upswing. You are willing to share some money with your family, which is more
in line with your feelings of sharing. This is the time to make your plans.
6. Virgo
Champions are never late. So cultivate an energy of timelessness and know that you are in the
winning side. You can come back to work with your family and reap the benefits of family
support. Connect to your inner intuitive self and know that you are fully rewarded with wisdom.
7. Libra
You are thinking about future travel and work opportunities ahead for your future to be secure
but today you are unhappy with the results. Have some control and know that tomorrow is
another day with plenty of new opportunities.
8. Scorpio
Start out your day with yoga and sports so that you feel upbeat. Positive and relaxed is the way
to go forward today. The interactions with people will be compatible but the results that you
are looking for will take some time. Get in touch with your friends and spend time reminiscing
about life and future experiences.
9. Sagittarius
Chances of a global opportunity for work will result in making some of you very happy. Changes
in the future journey ahead with the work could drive some of you towards stress. Change your
attitude towards exercise and good eating habits and you will remain healthy.
10. Capricorn
Always allow the opponent to think that they are truly winning and then you will be safe. Your
journey will manifest your success and you will be able to recognise the points of negotiations,
and thus will provide you the asset you are looking for.
11. Aquarius
If you want you can do a lot of self reflective thinking, especially connected to your inner heart
desires. The more you move towards them, the closer you are to your goal. The patterns of
your aura are installing your new destiny today. So rejoice and be patient.
12. Pisces
Congratulate yourself on being able to execute things exactly the way you had planned them.
Forward planning is still essential to continue the good work ahead. Relax and spend time with
family. You have had a sharp and critical approach towards some people, who have been
specifically constructive for your success.